Ladies of The Links at Mulberry Hill
The Ladies of The Links at Mulberry Hill is comprised of members of all ages who are interested in the social, sports, and “improvement” events of the club. They meet monthly on the third Thursday from September through May. Ladies are welcome to participate in the morning activity of their choice: tennis, golf, bridge or board games. The activities are followed by a luncheon and business meeting held in the club’s Ballroom. Four officers are elected every year (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) to plan the programs for each meeting. The ladies volunteer individually and as a group to assist in the activities and endeavors of the club. For instance, we have a group of “weeders” who tend to the decorative beds around the Clubhouse during the growing season. In November, we usually dedicate our monthly meeting to trimming the Christmas trees and creating a festive atmosphere throughout the Ballroom, Snack Bar and Golf Shop. The annual Fashion Show is always a success, thanks to the committee that plans the ticket sales, raffle, food, decorations, and clothing to be modeled. Historically, this group has made significant financial contributions to the Club and to local organizations, e.g. the Food Pantry and Smart Start programs. Most recently, funds were approved to purchase updated accessories in the Club’s entryway, a new refrigerator for the kitchen, replacement linens for the Ballroom, and new plantings around the pool and clubhouse. The aim of this group is to promote the objectives of the club while enjoying participation in the various sporting, social and volunteer activities.
Chowan Chix
The ladies golfers at The Links are called the “Chowan Chix”. There are no fees for participation; there is an open invitation for lady golfers of all skill levels to golf with the Chix. Play days are Tuesdays and Thursdays; ladies should arrive at 8:30am, teams will be set up at 8:45am, and golf will begin at 9:00am. (Winter times are one hour later.)
Ladies Night
All lady golfers are welcome to participate in Ladies Night the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Teams are randomly formed to tee off at 5:00pm for nine holes of superball play. Open to all. Members pay applicable cart fees, plus $10 for a wonderful light dinner prepared by the club’s outstanding chef. There is also a $2 cash contribution from each golfer for prizes. Cash bar.